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How We Make A Difference In Kindergarten

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Saved by Sharon E. Davison
on January 6, 2017 at 4:04:56 pm

Kindergarten 2016-2017 School Year

Here is a photograph of a map we created inside our classroom to show where and how we are connecting globally!   This is how we share ideas we are getting from others globally on "how to" be less wasteful.


Special thanks to Recycle Rhonda from CSWD in Vermont!  Look here, here and here to see how she explored the 3 r's with us!

 We were featured on the CSWD website as part of the Chittenden County Recycle Challenger for all K-12 schools!  Join in on the fun!

Go Here 


Project #1: What is our impact on the world? How can we be less wasteful?  

This year we are focusing on waste.  We are curious about what happens to waste and what are the ways we can be less wasteful inside and outside of Kindergarten!

As we begin to develop an awareness we are using Padlet as a way to crowdsource ideas from others globally!  Please contribute your ideas! Our Padlet is below.

Made with Padlet


Project #2: How Can We Help People Who Are Hungry?

Our project has 2 parts.  The 1st part is where we begin to build an awareness of hunger as a problem.  The 2nd part is where we begin to develop actions that help solve the problem.


So for building our awareness we have invited community people to come into kindergarten to share how they help support people in the community that are hungry.  We have also invited the local food shelf volunteers to visit Kindergarten too.  If you know of other people who might be interested in helping us develop our awareness of hunger, please add your ideas to this page!


Visitor Sign Up


1. Tuesday, January 17th Hannaford's/12-12:30 PM

2. Shaw's: Tuesday January 24th/12 noon

3. Starbucks:

4. WCS:

5. Williston Food Shelf:


Look here to see our visit to the local food shelf.


We will be visiting the food shelf 2 more times before Kindergarten ends.












Kindergarten 2015-2016 School Year

Here is a photograph of a map we created inside our classroom to show where and how we are connecting globally!  Padlet is on white paper.  This is how we share ideas we are getting from others globally on "how to" be less wasteful.

Project #1: What is our impact on the world? How can we be less wasteful?


This year we are focusing on waste.  We are curious about what happens to waste and what are the ways we can be less wasteful inside and outside of Kindergarten!

As we begin to develop an awareness we are using Padlet as a way to crowdsource ideas from others globally!  Please contribute your ideas!


Building An Awareness:

1. What are we doing inside/outside of our classroom?

2. Home? School?Community?



1. Develop an awareness of a need of a community and then explore actions of kindness to help solve problem

2. Collaborate with others inside/outside of classroom to make a difference

3. Use digital tools to share our learning

4. Use digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible way

5. Use digital tools to connect with others in regards to our learning goal, actions and awareness.


Plan of Action:


1. Reduce waste inside/outside of classroom

2. Share with families: Twitter, Kidblog, Blog





Worms! Worms! Worms!


Common Core State Standards:


Building An Awareness:

1. What are we doing inside/outside of our classroom?

2. Home? School?Community?

Thanks to Rhonda Mace


Reflecting/Interacting with Big Ideas!


1. Worms http://davisonkindergarten.blogspot.com/2015/10/really-worms.html


2. Reduce It! http://davisonkindergarten.blogspot.com/2015/10/what-happens-to-waste-can-we-reduce-it.html


Essential Questions:


1. What is the problem that needs to be solved?

2. How can we create learning opportunities so we can help find solutions?

3. What tools can we use to help us develop an awareness of this problem?

4. What actions can be taken to help find solutions to this problem?



1. Develop an awareness of a need of a community and then explore actions of kindness to help solve problem

2. Collaborate with others inside/outside of classroom to make a difference

3. Use digital tools to share our learning

4. Use digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible way

5. Use digital tools to connect with others in regards to our learning goal, actions and awareness.


Plan of Action:


1. Reduce waste inside/outside of classroom

2. Share with families: Twitter, Kidblog, Blog

3. Create an iMovie of why we need to reduce waste

4. Create a padlet to learn from others.

5. Create a map showing who and how we are connecting and learning from others.  What is our impact?

6. Share a Google Form with parents to see if they are thinking differently about waste! 








Kindergarten 2014-2015 School Year


Read About The Many Ways Kindergarten  Makes A Difference



Welcome!  On this page you will read, listen to and watch all the ways in which young children are making a difference for the environment, school, community and others.  I have listed some of the projects and initiatives that you and your child will be a part of.  If you have any other ideas please share!

 I have also included some special projects that we are involved with as a classroom and school community.  Please feel free to make comments and share your ideas too!



Project #1: How Do We Help People Who Are Hungry?


In Kindergarten this semester we are collaborating with Ms. Rachel, a former intern of mine who is pursuing her graduate work in technology.  We are working together to help find ways to make sure that people who are hungry get food.  Our project has 2 parts.  The 1st part is where we begin to build an awareness of hunger as a problem.  The 2nd part is where we begin to develop actions that help solve the problem.


Please add your ideas to stop hunger on our Padlet!



So for building our awareness we have invited community people to come into kindergarten to share how they help support people in the community that are hungry.  We have also invited the local food shelf volunteers to visit Kindergarten too.  If you know of other people who might be interested in helping us develop our awareness of hunger, please add your ideas to this page!


Schedule of Visitors: 

1. Starbuck's: Monday, October 13th 12:30 PM        

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
This free picture slideshow created with Smilebox

2. Shaw's: Tuesday, October 14th 8:30 AM 

3. Hannaford's: Monday, October 13th, 8:30 AM

4. Natural Provision's: Wednesday, October 15th 12:30 PM

5. Cathy Michael's: Williston Food Shelf, October 15th, 1:45 PM  


Schedule of Outreach Opportunities:

1. Visit Williston Food Shelf, collect food

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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Make a picture slideshow

2. Create a Padlet, blog and photograph and video what we are doing

3. Make an iMovie   http://youtu.be/CIjhVpruiYs


Essential Questions:


1. What is the problem that needs to be solved?

2. How can we create learning opportunities so we can help find solutions?

3. What tools can we use to help us develop an awareness of this problem?

4. What actions can be taken to help find solutions to this problem?



1. Develop an awareness of a need of a community and then explore actions of kindness to help solve problem

2. Collaborate with others inside/outside of classroom to make a difference

3. Use digital tools to share our learning

4. Use digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible way

5. Use digital tools to connect with others in regards to our learning goal, actions and awareness.

Making A Difference from Sharon Davison on Vimeo.

Project #2:

Committee on Temporary Shelter




In Kindergarten we have another opportunity that just appeared because of our current project around hunger.  Laurie Gunn, a member of the COTS Speaker's Bureau and who is part of the COTS board heard about what we were doing in regards to hunger, so she contacted me(thanks to a parent in Kindergarten, thank you!) and asked if we would be interested in learning about COTS.  So on Monday, November 17th at 8:30 AM Laurie will be visiting kindergarten to talk to us about COTS and what we can do to help.  Please feel free to join us if you wish!

Click to play this Smilebox collage
Create your own collage - Powered by Smilebox
Personalize your own picture collage

Laurie will be talking to us about COTS services and homelessness in the community, in a kid-friendly manner. 

What Can You Do To Help?

1. Donate, new, unopened bedding.  They need twin and full sized bedsheets, pillows, pillow cases and blankets!


Click here 






Kindergarten 2013-2014 School Year


A comment shared by one of my Kindergarten Families.  Together we can make a difference!


"Quick moment I wanted to share with you—My kids enjoy arts & crafts projects, so I had a few fun projects planned for today. Around lunch time _____ walked up to me, gave me a huge hug and said, "I love you so much, Mom. My bucket is so full today and it's because you planned all this fun stuff for us to do on our day off." I told her she was filling my bucket too :) Thank YOU for that moment I got to share with her today!


Thank you for teaching our children with such love and not overlooking the little things, like teaching them about filling buckets. Have a wonderful weekend!" (a Kindergarten parent)


During the month of November we will be celebrating how we make a difference in Kindergarten.  Beginning today, Monday, October 21st we begin connecting and collaborating with others within and outside of our school about how we are making a difference for others.  We have created a video about "how to" make a difference and "how to" fill your bucket and others buckets too!  This idea was inspired by a book we read;"Have You Filled a Bucket Today?"Look below to view the video.


We are also beginning a collaboration with other students who wish to share how they are making a difference too.  This ideas was inspired by Lucie deLaBruere who is part of Project Ignite which is where Vermont teachers are awarded a special award for being creative and transformative in their teaching practice.  I was awarded this honor last year.  So in the spirit of collaboration, connecting and keeping Project Ignite alive, your children will be reaching out to others in hopes of showing how we are all working together in a variety of ways to make a difference for others.  Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUVRPyR4Ot0&list=PL1oMB99j4uZZYwb3EjI2YKk_CzLOx3mr_&index=1 to watch a panel discussion I was part of last spring with other amazing educators.


How Can You Help?

1. Please send in non perishable food.  We will be collecting food for the Williston Food Shelf.  We will be walking to the food  shelf on Wednesday, November 13th to deliver what we have collected.

2. Have conversations with your child/children about how they can make a difference at home, etc.

3.  Read the story:"Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?" This is a story we read in the beginning of school.  Your child brought home their own bucket to "fill".

4.  Recognize your child/children for things they do at home that are helpful.  For example; picking up toys, putting dishes in the sink, helping out with chores at home, etc.

5.  Create posts with your child on their kidblog about how they are making a difference.  We will also be doing this at school.  

6.  Watch the video about a Kindness Challenge that is happening at our school.  Maybe you want to start one too!


Composting, Recycling, Reducing and Recycling!


I have listed some of the many opportunities that you and your child will have to help promote thoughtful, responsible and caring ideas to help keep our planet healthy.


Composting within Kindergarten and at ABS!


We have a compost bucket in our classroom that we use daily.  All food items go into the bucket except meat and diary products.  At the end of each day the leader of the day and a friend take the compost out to the ABS garden.

In our cafeteria all liquids and food scraps are put into special bins.  The contents are then given to a local farmer who feeds to his/her pigs.


In Kindergarten we reuse paper, containers, paint brushes and many other items.  I have a couple of spots in the classroom where children go to put left over materials and to look for materials they may want to use.


We also have a recycle bucket in the classroom too!  This gets full quickly and many times the children will look through to see if they can reuse anything.



The Williston Food Shelf



We collect food for the local food shelf in Williston a few times during the year.  I would like to take the children on a walking trip to deliver the food in late fall.  I will keep you posted about when this initiative begins.



Please help us collect Box Tops!


Our school collects box tops for education.  This is a great way to help provide additional money to purchase need equipment and supplies for all the children in Williston.  It is easy to do.  Just cut out any box tops that you have on items in your home and send into Kindergarten.  


Just look for the Box Top labels!  Thanks so very much!  




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