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Things My Child Needs For Kindergarten

Page history last edited by Andrew Henderson 4 years, 3 months ago


Items Your Child Will Need For Kindergarten


I have created a list of things that your child will need for Kindergarten.  Please make sure that all items are labeled.  Thanks everyone!


1.  a water bottle with your child's name on it


2.  an extra change of clothes in a zip lock bag labeled


3.  Snacks!  We have 2 snack times in Kindergarten.  Please send in a morning and afternoon snack.



A List of Additional Items That We Need In Kindergarten


The list I have created below is not mandatory, but optional.  If you would like to contribute any of the items below please do!  You can bring them into Kindergarten in August.  All donated items will be shared with all the children.  Thanks Everyone!



1.  Glass jars


2.  brown paper bags any and all sizes


3. scotch tape


4. lids(from any type of container, plastic, etc.)


5. fall flower bulbs for planting project in fall


6. magic markers: small and large


7. seeds(any type)


8. post it notes


9. potting soil or Moo Doo(for garden beds)


10. colored pencils


11. cereal boxes



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