The Season of Spring!



Signs Of Spring!


 Welcome to our wiki page about the season of spring!  On this page you will see all the signs of spring that we notice in the natural world.  I would like for all of you to look for signs of spring outside of Kindergarten too!  Please take pictures, voice recordings of what your child observes, etc.  Please upload to our wiki page about spring.  If you need help uploading video, voice recordings, etc. just email me at:


Have fun and don't forget to save your edits before exiting!




A Class Photo Of Kindergarten At Isham's Family Farm



While walking up to the sugarhouse we noticed our first sign of spring! 


Emma found a snail shell!



 We saw an earthworm trying to go underground.


                                 An earthworm!                                   Luke spotted a turtle!   


Podcasts of Observations We Have About The Season of Spring!


During our Life Studies time we have been making lots of obseravtions and discoveries about the season of spring.  I hope you enjoy listening to our observations and will also go outside with your child and make some of your own! 


Names Jordyn  Johnny  Jack  Riley  Nick  Tom  Abby  Jake  Madison  Alex  Katie  Elizabeth  Luke  Carmella  Immashiya  Tristan  Olivia  Emma 
Podcasts  Z0000080.mp3   Z0000090.mp3   Z0000078.mp3   Z0000077.mp3   Z0000079.mp3   Z0000086.mp3   Z0000081.mp3   Z0000076.mp3   Z0000087.mp3   Z0000092.mp3   Z0000088.mp3   Z0000075.mp3   Z0000082.mp3   Z0000084.mp3   Z0000091.mp3   Z0000093.mp3   Z0000085.mp3   Z0000083.mp3