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The Global Goals For Sustainability

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Saved by Sharon E. Davison
on May 13, 2018 at 4:55:05 pm

Exploring The Global Goals For Sustainability: @vermontkkids123

I have the privilege of being a Kindergarten teacher in a public school in Vermont. I also have the honor of being an ambassador for the global goals. This means that I am able to promote the love and importance of the SDGs alongside many other amazing educators globally. Part of my role is to help inspire others to learn about the goals and find meaningful, inspiring ways to connect students and their families globally to help solve a common need. The outcome is always positive and the impact is huge. I have made a commitment to engage with the #Teachsdgs as an opportunity to promote positive change. The world needs everyone's help. Join in!

TeachSDGs Website


This page is one place that I will be posting projects and learning themes that I explore inside and out of Kindergarten connecting to the Global Goals For Sustainability. I hope my work, the work of my students and families inspire you to join in.


All About Birds!


Thinking about how these global goals connect to our exploration of birds, and the seasonal changes. The children are exploring service-learning as a way to educate others about why we need to maintain and have safe habitats for bird life.












1. Julianna Tyson Visits us from the AmeriCorps. Website

2. Children make observations of seasonal changes in Vermont and around ABS.

3. Listen and watch for signs of birds.

4. Thinking about how the Global Goals weave into our learning.

5. Children create science journals to record their observations.

6. Children create a Kidblog post about a bird they are curious about. Look Here for posts.

7. Create a padlet to crowdsource what birds look like globally. Look here for padlet.



1. Visit Catamount: May 11th, Look here for the slideshow.

2. Juilanna Tyson visits us from the Americorps. We explore birds and their interdependence in regards to land and the wildlife and plants that help to sustain their habitat.

3. Children create a plan of how to connect their learning to the school and the local community.

4. Children create a list of ways they wish to share their learning and their work.




1. Julianna Tyson visits us from Americorps. She will focus on how the 17 Global Goals connect with our exploration of birds.

2. We will have a celebration of learning for our administrators and families.

3. Visit CVU(local high school to share what we did and how we learned)


Here is her flyer with detailed information about her role in communities and her outreach work.



1. Online Guide to birds: Here

2. Bird Booklet (I created) Here

3. Global Goal Booklet (I created) Here

4. Global Goal Passport (I created) Here

5. A Bird Coloring Book (Birds of Vermont, USA)Here

6. Student Reflection Questions: Here

7. Student Self Evaluation Rubric: Here

8. NGSS Standards: Here


1. Develop an awareness of a need for a community and then explore actions of kindness to help solve the problem

2. Collaborate with others inside/outside of the classroom to make a difference

3. Use digital tools to share our learning

4. Use digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible way

5. Use digital tools to connect with others in regards to our learning goal, actions, and awareness.

6. Connect and Engage with The Global Goals for Sustainability.

Plan of Action:

1. Learn about the different types of birds and their unique features. 

2. Share with families: Twitter, Kidblog, Blog

3. Explore features that birds have in common. 

4. Invite a local forester and other local experts into kindergarten to help build our awareness of bird types and why we need to care about them.

5. Visit our local outdoor classroom and local nature center to explore ways we can help preserve bird habitats.

6. Students make connections to the Global Goals For Sustainability.



Essential Questions: 

1. What is the problem that needs to be solved?

2. How can we create learning opportunities so we can help find solutions?

3. What tools can we use to help us develop an awareness of this problem?

4. What actions can be taken to help find solutions to this problem?

5. Do birds travel far?

6. What do birds look like in different parts of the world?

7. What are some things birds need to survive?

8. How can we help birds live and sustain plants that they need and we need to survive?



1. Develop an awareness of a need for a community and then explore actions of kindness to help solve the problem

2. Collaborate with others inside/outside of the classroom to make a difference

3. Use digital tools to share our learning

4. Use digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible way

5. Use digital tools to connect with others in regards to our learning goal, actions, and awareness.

6. Engage and involve people who are experts in our local community to help us learn about bird life and what we can do to help sustain a healthy habitat for birds.


Plan of Action:

1. Increase knowledge of birds.

2. Create inquiry-based questions about what we what to know and know. They create our wonderings list.

3. Create Kidblog Posts: Birds, what we know currently

4. Connect maps on our class blog, Kidblog, and classroom map of where birds are in the world. 

5. Begin building a noticings chart of what we see that is similar to birds: what do they need to survive, features, habitats.







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