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Helping in Kindergarten

This version was saved 6 years, 10 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Eldar Pilausic
on October 28, 2017 at 11:48:46 pm

Welcome to Kindergarten!

This is where you can sign up to help us out with special times during the day as well as special projects we are creating.  If you are able to help out, just please sign your name.  I am most grateful for your time, energy and patience.

Best, Sharon


3-Dimensional "Gingerbread" Houses

(Weclipart5677 × 4840Search by image)

On Wednesday, December 20th from 10-11:15 AM we will be creating 3D gingerbread houses as a way to reinforce our exploration of 2d and 3 d shapes.  Please sign up below if you can join us and make any donations.

Thanks for all that you do!

Yes, I can come and help!

1.Eldar Pilausic





frosting (we need lots)

1. Shannon Albrecht

2. Betsy Johnson

3. Alexa & Michael Clauss




graham crackers(1 box)

1.Darcy Pasco

2.Rodica Tiron

3.Rebecca Ruid

4.Rebecca Ruid

5.Eldar Pilausic

6. Eldar Pilausic

Candy Canes 


Skittles and or M & M's

1.Darcy Pasco

2.Rodica Tiron


Gum Drops

1. Alexa & Michael Clauss

Life Savors




1. Betsy Johnson







Literacy Time In Kindergarten

Thanks so much for your time and energy in supporting our literacy growth. 

**This begins on September 18th**

Monday  Tuesday  Thursday 
 10:00-11:00 AM
 8:30-9:30 AM
 8:30-9:30 AM
 1. Shannon Albrecht
 1.Katherine Wayman 






Math workshop is a time where I am looking for weekly volunteers. If you can help us, please only sign up for 1 day.  It works best if you can commit to the same day each week, but if you want to share a day with another parent and switch weeks, that works too.  Thanks so much for considering to help out.  **Math workshop will begin on Tuesday, September 5th.***

Math workshop time is from 12-1 PM.


(12-12:40 AM)

Thursday  Friday 
 1. Betsy Johnson




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